Jennifer Lopez Bragged About Taking a Role ‘Right Out From Under’ Sandra Bullock
When Jennifer Lopez was a rising star in Hollywood, she spoke of her eagerness to get her hands on any kind of role. She saw herself as one of the better actors of the era and said she was willing to work hard to prove this. She also didn’t mind taking roles that other people wanted. Lopez said she got a part that would have gone to Sandra Bullock because she was willing to do more for it.
Jennifer Lopez fought for a role that had been offered to Sandra Bullock
Throughout the 1990s, Lopez’s star continued to rise, making her one of the biggest names in Hollywood. She said she would never coast on her success, no matter how big she became. She was willing to take parts from anyone who wasn’t as relentless.
“I have this attitude — and it won’t change no matter how big I get — that you have to fight for things you want,” Lopez told Movieline when discussing how she got her part in Out of Sight. “You can’t expect things to be handed to you on a platter, even if you can fill theaters week in and week out. Because there’s always somebody like me ready to kick down the door and steal the job right out from under you.”

The person she stole the job from was Bullock. George Clooney, who starred in the film, wanted to screen test with his potential co-star. Bullock refused, giving Lopez space to take the part.
“One of the smart things George did was to screen-test everybody because he knew he’d had trouble with the women in his movies, where maybe there wasn’t as much chemistry as there could have been,” Lopez explained. “Universal was pushing for Sandra Bullock because they said she’d put people in seats. George and the director met with her, but they were like, ‘If Sandra really wants it, she’s gonna have to test for it.’ She wouldn’t test, and her agent, who is also my agent, supported that. If I was Sandy, I’d say, ‘Well, I’m gonna show them that I can do it. I’ll read with them, make them offer me the part, then make them pay out the a**.’”
She said she also had to fight for higher pay in the film
Lopez didn’t stop advocating for herself, even after she officially landed the part. She said she had to work hard for a paycheck she felt was acceptable, even if it was far less than what Clooney received.
“I think George Clooney’s getting $10 million for this movie. [Universal] thought they were going to get me cheap from the beginning, but I kept telling my agent, ‘No, no, no! Keep asking!’” she said. “When my agent called me saying, ‘What should we say to them?’ I said, ‘Say, Who’s going to break their a** to promote this movie while George is on ER? Say, Anaconda is now over $100 million worldwide and why do you think girls between 18 and 25 went to see it more than any other action movies — because of Ice Cube?’”
She said she wouldn’t let up until industry higher-ups paid her what she deserved.
“I don’t take it personally, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to fight for what I feel,” she said. “We are looking at the long run, they’re not. Eventually, they’re going to pay. People don’t believe it yet, but right now I’m very underpaid.”
Jennifer Lopez believed she could do nearly any kind of role
Lopez said that part of the reason for her success was her fearlessness. She was willing to fight for parts and take on roles that others might shy away from.
“I’m the best,” Lopez said. “I feel I can do anything — any kind of role. I’m fearless.”

She said her confidence never wavered.
“I work really hard,” she said. “I’ll just get better as I go along because I’m open to getting better. If you have the goods, there’s nothing to be afraid of. If somebody doesn’t have the goods, they’re insecure. I don’t have that problem. I’m not the best actress that ever lived, but I know I’m pretty good.”