‘Shrinking’ Is Getting the ‘Ted Lasso’ Treatment: Will There Be a Season 2?
Ted Lasso’s creators went into the series thinking it would be three seasons, and they’re doing the same with Shrinking. Aside from the Apple TV+ series coming to us from the minds of Brett Goldstein and Bill Lawrence, Shrinking shares something else with Ted Lasso. Here’s what we know about another season of Shrinking.

Is ‘Shrinking’ getting a season 2? It was pitched as a three-season show
Lawrence always has a plan for the stories he’s telling. “We pitched three seasons — the beginning, middle, and end,” he told Variety of Shrinking. “It does not have a sports season component to it the same way that that’s a function of the story. Like, ‘I wonder if they win or lose!'”
He didn’t say much about the plans for the future seasons of Shrinking, but one thing is for sure. Harrison Ford and Segel are in it for the long haul. “… You can tell actors that you’ve always wanted to work with, ‘If you give me three seasons, that’s fine if you want to split,'” he said. “So all I can tell you is that all the gang that we roped in for this one was down for doing that.”
Season 2 of Shrinking got the green light earlier in March 2023. Season 3 has yet to be confirmed, but the cast and showrunners are ready when it is.
‘Shrinking’ Season 1 finale ended on a cliffhanger — literally
One of the most surprising but subtle moments in the Shrinking Season 1 finale came when Grace (Heidi Garnder), one of Jimmy’s patients, pushes her abusive boyfriend off a cliff. This is certain to come up in season 2, as Grace’s boop-ing Donny (Tilky Jones) to his death was inspired by Jimmy’s unconventional therapy tactics.
Jimmy goes as far as to suggest to Grace, metaphorically of course: “Off the cliff! Bash them brains! Eat them up!” It will be interesting to see how Grace’s interpretation of this coping mechanism will impact Jimmy’s career in season 2.
Jessica Williams, who plays Jimmy’s colleague and romantic interest Gaby, was especially impressed with Gardner’s performance. “… I just thought, ‘Damn. Well, I hope we get a second season because I would love to unpack that,'” Williams told the outlet.
Jessica Williams wants more scenes with the characters in ‘Shrinking’ in season 2
Williams has big expectations for her role in Shrinking. “As for Gaby, I want somebody to take care of her,” said Williams.
“I want more combos. I want more scenes with Harrison [Paul, who is based on Phil Stutz]— I think Gaby and Paul are amazing together — and more scenes with Michael [who plays Brian] and more scenes with Luke [Sean] and Lukita [Alice] and Christa [Liz]. Like, I just want to just do more of this because everyone’s really bringing their A game. It’s really fun for me to play Gaby. It doesn’t get any better than that.”
Jessica Williams, Vulture
Stay tuned to Showbiz Cheat Sheet for updates on Shrinking Season 2.