‘Below Deck Sailing Yacht’ Charter Guests Rob and Bryan Prefer Captain Glenn Over Captain Lee
Without going into detail, Below Deck Sailing Yacht charter guests Bryan Guarnieri and Erik (Rob) Funderburk preferred their sailing experience over chartering a Below Deck superyacht with Captain Lee Rosbach at the helm.
The couple originally appeared on Below Deck Season 8 and their preference sheet prompted chef Rachel Hargrove to quit (temporarily). Of course, when Hargrove returned for their charter she found them to be warm and fabulous guests.
The Parsifal III crew felt the same way and chef Ileisha Dell met their preference sheet challenge with gusto. Guarnieri and Funderburk recently emphasized that they preferred sailing and Captain Glenn Shephard.
Bryan and Rob loved Captain Glenn from ‘Below Deck Sailing Yacht’
During an appearance on Another Below Deck podcast, Guarnieri and Funderburk were asked to compare their two Below Deck experiences. Guarnieri quickly said, “Oh hands down sailing.”

“Well, we love Captain Glenn. We just love Glenn,” Funderburk added.
The hosts wondered if the couple preferred Below Deck Sailing Yacht because Rosbach could be a little salty. “You could say curmudgeonly could be the word for it [to describe Rosbach],” Guarnieri joked. “Salty captain that fits him to a T.”
Rob and Bryan also preferred Chef Ileisha from ‘Sailing’
Guarnieri and Funderburk had a hard time choosing between their favorite chef but ultimately went with Dell. “I mean, I absolutely adore Chef Ileisha,” Guarnieri said. “I adore her food and I adore her as a person. I loved Rachel. I can’t say anything bad about her food. She’s an excellent chef.”
“And they’re nothing but sweet to us,” he continued, still trying to avoid giving an answer. “We don’t see the tantrums and the yelling until we actually watch the show.”
But when pressed, Guarnieri chose Dell. “I love Ileisha,” he said. “There, happy?”
Bryan’s ‘Below Deck’ preference sheet inspired Chef Rachel’s ‘eat my cooter’ remark
Guarnieri explained that he provides a detailed preference sheet because he doesn’t want to blindside the crew. He likes to give them all the specifics so the chef and crew aren’t left guessing. However, a detailed preference sheet can also translate into a demanding guest, which Hargrove learned wasn’t the case.
But as the coronavirus (Covid-19) was emerging and Hargrove’s stress levels soared, she took one look at the preference sheet and melted down.
“I didn’t really want to leave Captain Lee hanging,” Hargrove to ET. “I just needed a breather and needed to walk off and take a second. Especially for everything that was happening to process it. That was one of the craziest sheets I’ve seen in my life. And then, I’m running as a sole chef? But it really was, I didn’t want to disappoint him.”
“It’s a lot of stress when you got all those cameras in your face constantly,” she added. When Hargrove returned to the boat, she prepared herself for a tough charter and was pleasantly surprised.
Bravo recently shared the Below Deck Sailing Yacht three-page preference sheet that Dell admitted was “Literally a nightmare.” But Dell impressed the guests with her 10-course tasting meal, which she said was tough to create in the small galley.
“Doing 10 courses on Parsifal is brutal,” she shared. “There’s no space, it’s insane to prep, it takes forever to serve, and it means a late night for everyone.”