Captain Lee’s Favorite ‘Below Deck’ Charter Guests, Leigh Anne and Sean Tuohy, Accused of Lying About ‘Blind Side’ Adoption
Captain Lee Rosbach once said that Leigh Anne and Sean Tuohy, who rose to fame being portrayed in the book and film The Blind Side, were his favorite Below Deck charter guests of all time.
The Tuohys’ story of how they adopted an underprivileged child who eventually played in the NFL was heartwarming. But now Michael Oher, who the Tuohys claimed to have adopted, said the story was a lie. Oher alleges that the couple lied about their intentions to adopt him, and instead put him in a conservatorship. This essentially removed his legal rights. Oher said he never received any royalties or money from the film.
He is now suing the Tuohys. When asked for his thoughts on the latest news about the couple, Rosbach only said, “They were one of my favorite charters ever.” So why did Rosbach say Leigh Anne and Sean Tuohy were one of his favorites?
Why did Captain Lee love having Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy on ‘Below Deck’?
Rosbach reiterated the Tuohys were his favorite charter guests on Twitter. The captain is often asked about his favorite and least favorite charter guests. During a Stars Marketing event, he shared why he loved having the Tuohys on board. “They were just my favorite because they were so much fun,” Rosbach told a live audience. “They just had a zest for living. And all they wanted to do was have a good time!”
Rosbach also loved Leigh Anne’s nickname for her husband. “Seanie,” Rosbach laughed. “And he just hated that.”
Leigh Anne claimed she did ‘Below Deck for her husband and Sean Tuohy
In a blog, Leigh Anne claimed that she wasn’t a big fan of boats, but her husband was. “My husband Sean was raised in New Orleans, LA,” she shared.
“Boats have always been a part of his DNA. He loves all things water related,” she continued. Me… I don’t like anything about a boat… so when the Bravo TV show Below Deck came a calling… I said ugh! He would love this boat… we accepted the invite and he loved it. Our experience was relaxed, non confrontational and all cupcakes and cart wheels. We made new friends and had no drama! Sometimes you just take one for the team!”
Which ‘Below Deck’ season did Leigh Anne and Sean Tuohy appear on?
The Blind Side couple joined Rosbach and the Below Deck crew for a season 5 charter. Chef Matt Burns’ culinary skills were put to the test during their charter, while lead deckhand Nico Scholly dealt with rank issues when Rosbach brought in bosun E.J. Jansen to lead the team.
The episode was appropriately called “Blindsided” and Leigh Anne said it was a trip of a lifetime. “It was great to unplug, relax and make some new friends,” she shared in a 2017 Instagram post. “Don’t let @captain_lee_rosbach fool you… he’s got a big heart and is giving back and making a difference. We wanted to bring everyone home with us!”