Michael From ’90 Day Fiancé’ Reacts to Claims He Scammed Angela: ‘Bring Your Proof’
Was it a scam all along? Michael Ilesanmi and Angela Deem of 90 Day Fiancé have spent years fighting to get him a visa so that he can move to the United States. But in the June 9 episode of 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After?, Angela accused her Nigerian husband of running a scam on her.
The drama has divided 90 Day fans. Some have sided with Michael, whom they see as a victim of Angela’s ongoing abuse. Others wonder if the volatile Angela might be right to be suspicious. After the episode aired, Michael responded to critics on Instagram, suggesting that they didn’t know the full story.
Angela Deem says Michael Ilesanmi is the ‘sneakiest snake’
In the latest episode of the 90 Day spinoff, Angela, who is visiting Michael in Africa, confronted her husband. She accused him of acting “shady” about the visa approval process.
“You’re lying and I’m catching you in lies after lies. And it’s sickening,” she said before demanding to see his phone. As she scrolled through the device, she wasn’t happy with what she saw.
First, Angela discovered that Michael had been setting aside money in what he called a “piggybank.” While she assumed Michael had nefarious reasons for squirreling away cash, it sounded like he was describing the kind of informal savings and lending scheme (such as a susu or tanda) that’s common in many parts of the world.
Angela was already worried about Michael’s involvement in the “piggy.” But when she saw he was the administrator of a group for Nigerian guys involved with American women, she really blew her top.
“I can’t believe nothing you say … I’m not as dumb as you think as I am,” she declared after she threw a glass of water in Michael’s face. She then stormed out of the restaurant.
“He’s the sneakiest snake I ever seen,” she said in an interview.
Angela accused Michael of running a ‘whore ring’
When Angela left, she took Michael’s phone with her. As continued to search through the device, she found more alarming information.
Michael’s group was called “Paradise Men.” Members had mocking discussions about older American women looking for husbands and discussed life insurance. It also seemed that Michael had shared her tax return information with other people. In Angela’s eyes, the group was just a way for Michael to teach other men how to scam women.
“He’s running a goddamn whore ring,” she declared.
Michael insisted the group was innocent.
“The reason why it’s called the ‘Paradise Men’ group, is because, you know, you going to the U.S., ‘land of free’ you know, like the U.S. is a paradise,” Michael said in an interview. “That’s all.”
’90 Day Fiancé’ star reacts to scammer accusations
The day after the 90 Day episode aired, Michael – who eventually got his visa and moved to the U.S. – shared a mirror selfie with an inspirational message on Instagram.
“I was rooting for you, but after tonight’s episode, I do believe you scammed Angela,” one person commented.
Michael, who appears to have split from his wife after arriving in America, replied.
“Bring your proof,” he wrote. “And if not, don’t ever tell me such.”
Another person suspected that there was more to Angela and Michael’s story than was depicted on Happily Ever After? But when they asked him if he could “talk about what really yet,” he replied, “No!”
90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? Season 8 airs Sundays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on TLC. Episodes also stream on Max.
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