Susan Noles Sides With Gerry Turner in ‘The Golden Bachelor’ Divorce
ABC is gearing up for the premiere of The Golden Bachelorette this fall. Still, viewers haven’t stopped talking about The Golden Bachelor and Theresa Nist and Gerry Turner’s surprise divorce. One contestant from Turner’s season, Susan Noles, is taking sides. Noles recently revealed that she feels compelled to defend Turner, who has been painted in a less-than-positive light since the April divorce announcement.
Susan Noles defends Gerry Turner over the golden divorce
Most of The Golden Bachelor contestants who publicly spoke about Gerry and Theresa’s divorce have remained entirely neutral until now. Nearly two months out from the announcement, one former flame is interested in defending Turner. Susan Noles, who insists she never had a love connection with Turner, recently appeared on SiriusXM on The Jess Cagle Show with Julia Cunningham and weighed in on the golden divorce. Suddenly, Noles seemed interested in laying a touch more blame on Nist for the end of the romance.

Noles claims Turner had every right to get frustrated with Nist because she sold him on something that never happened. She said that Theresa was the one who refused to move and refused to quit her job after the fact. Noles seems to suggest there was some agreement between Nist and Turner that she would retire.
Why did Theresa Nist and Gerry Turner file for divorce?
Noles seemed to point to Nist’s reluctance to give up her career as a source of tension for the couple. Neither Nist nor Turner have really delved into the specifics. Still, there were indications that Nist’s career was causing problems before the divorce announcement. In a podcast appearance before the divorce announcement, Turner mentioned that he was feeling a bit annoyed by the lack of “adventure” because Nist was still working. TMZ also revealed that the couple weren’t living together despite being married for months. They broke the story just weeks before Nist and Turner announced their marriage’s end.

That isn’t the only reason behind the split, it seems. While some The Golden Bachelor fans believe another woman might have caused the swift breakup, Turner hasn’t stepped out with anyone. Rumors about additional problems have swirled, though. During an episode of Almost Famous, Ben Higgins said that he had heard rumors that Nist’s opinions on developing farmland in Indiana might have caused serious tension with her husband. Higgins claims that he heard the disagreement made the couple realize they had fundamental differences that could not be overcome. Nist nor Turner have ever commented on the allegations.