‘Twilight’: What Is the Order of the Movies in the Saga?
Though it’s been over a decade since the first of the Twilight movies premiered, the films are still well-loved by many to this day. Thanks to streaming services, the films continue to find new audiences. Furthermore, when Stephenie Meyer (who authored the books that the movies are based on) finally released Midnight Sun, a reimagining of Twilight from Edward’s perspective, interest in the movies piqued once more. But what is is the official order of the movies?

Twilight is obviously the first movie in the series. Premiering back in November of 2008, fans got their first introduction to Edward Cullen and Bella Swan’s love story. Though the film would go on to inspire four additional sequels and make household names out of Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, and Taylor Lautner, nobody expected the film to be such a smash success. In fact, Catherine Hardwicke, who directed the first film, was given an extremely modest budget for the film, which gives it a distinctly indie feel.
‘New Moon’
Next up is New Moon, which released a year after Twilight in 2009. Following the success of the first film, the sequel got a significant budget increase as well as a larger press tour. The second film also was the start of the infamous love triangle which had fans declaring themselves Team Edward or Team Jacob and gave Lautner the opportunity to be a Hollywood heartthrob.
The third movie in The Twilight Saga franchise, Eclipse, continued to shatter expectations and beat out its predecessors in the box office when it released back in 2010. The film grossed nearly $700 million worldwide at the box office and was packed with plenty of action and romance for all types of fans to appreciate.
‘Breaking Dawn – Part 1’
Taking a page out of Harry Potter’s book, Summit chose to split Meyer’s final book in The Twilight Saga up into two distinct movies. Though both films were shot at the same time, Breaking Dawn – Part 1 released a full year prior to its successor back in 2011. This decision allowed the studio to make even more money while also giving fans the opportunity to see more of the story translated onto the screen.
‘Breaking Dawn – Part 2’
Last, but certainly not least, is Breaking Dawn – Part 2. The 2012 film marked the epic conclusion of Bella and Edward’s love story and gave fans the chance to say goodbye to a franchise that had become wildly popular around the globe.
Where are the ‘Twilight’ movies currently streaming?
Though it’s been years since the Twilight movies were in theaters, fans have managed to rewatch them thanks to popular streaming platforms. Currently, Twihards (loyal fans of Twilight) are able to watch all five movies on Hulu. Of course, movies are added and removed from streaming platforms all the time, so there’s no guarantee that the movies will stay on Hulu indefinitely.