Jennifer Lopez Called 1 of Her Co-Stars an ‘A**hole’: ‘It’s Time for the Truth to Come Out’
Jennifer Lopez has gotten along well with many of her co-stars over the years, but she said there was one actor she just didn’t like. When Lopez worked on the 1995 film Money Train, she said both Woody Harrelson and Wesley Snipes flirted with her. While she brushed off Harrelson’s advances, she said Snipes was more demanding. She did not appreciate the way he treated her.
Jennifer Lopez found 1 of her co-stars very unpleasant to work with
In 1995, Lopez starred in Money Train with Snipes. She had a boyfriend at the time, but she said he still pursued her relentlessly.
“Wesley — even though I had a boyfriend at the time — went full court press,” she told Movieline in 1998. “He was flirting with me — you always flirt with your costars, it’s harmless — then he just started getting a little more serious. He would invite us all out together and then at the end of the night, he’d drop me off last and try to kiss me. I’d be like, ‘Wesley, please, I’m not interested in you like that.’ He got really upset about it.”

She said Snipes did not handle the rejection well, which lowered her opinion of him.
“His ego was totally bruised. He wouldn’t talk to me for two months,” she said. “I was like, ‘What an a**hole.’ Actors are used to getting their way and to treating women like objects. They’re so used to hearing the word ‘Yes.’ Now, I suppose Wesley will call me going, ‘You b****! How dare you? I didn’t like you.’ It’s time for the truth to come out!”
She did not like filming sex scenes with him
Lopez said she did not like shooting a sex scene with Snipes for the film.
“It was horrible,” she said, per Contact Music. “When you first start working professionally, you push the boundaries of what you should and shouldn’t do, and I didn’t think I had the right to say no, like, ‘No, I’m not doing this, and that’s it.’ So we did it, and it was tough.”
Still, she said Snipes was courteous to her when they shot the scene. He asked her how to make her more comfortable.
“Wesley was wonderful about it in the sense that he was like, ‘What’s gonna make you more comfortable?’ and I was like, ‘Bring music, play it loud.'”
Jennifer Lopez said her other co-star in the film flirted with her
Harrelson also acted in the film and, like Snipes, flirted with Lopez behind the scenes.

“Woody was more playful, but if I’d have gone for it, he totally would have,” she said. “I’d say, ‘Hey, Woody, how are you doing?’ He’d, like, stick out his tongue and flick it at me very nasty. He was really funny about it.”
She said that Snipes and Harrelson tied at making the “clumsiest pass” at her out of all her co-stars.