‘The Wolf of Wall Street’: Margot Robbie Considered This Scene Worse Than Sharon Stone’s ‘Basic Instinct’ Shot
Every Margot Robbie Wolf of Wall Street scene captivated audiences in the actor’s breakthrough role. Robbie and director Martin Scorsese’s crew shot a couple of scenes in The Wolf of Wall Street that they considered difficult. But there was one shot Robbie saw that was a little bit much for the actor. Comparing it to Sharon Stone’s famous Basic Instinct shot, Robbie actually considered it 10 times worse.
Margot Robbie compared the famous ‘Wolf of Wall Street’ scene to ‘Basic Instinct’
There was a major Margot Robbie scene in The Wolf of Wall Street where the actor initially felt uncomfortable shooting. The famous take involved Robbie’s Naomi LaPaglia character flirting with Leonardo DiCaprio’s Jordan Belfort in their nursery room. It was a scene Robbie was already familiar with since she’d done it during her audition for Martin Scorsese.
“[I auditioned with] some of the hardest scenes in the film,” Robbie told The Daily Beast. “It was the throwing-water fight scene, the ‘What’s wrong, Daddy?’ scene in the nursery-and a lot of it got cut out in the film. It was a lot more confronting and awkward to do in an audition,” she said.
During the interview, the scene was compared to another provocative shot in Basic Instinct. In that film, Stone filmed the infamous take without wearing underwear. Robbie was asked if the Wall Street nursey scene was cut short because the actor did something similar.
“No, I was wearing flesh-colored underwear,” she said. “But there was a shot with a body double that was very much Basic Instinct – probably 10 times worse than Basic Instinct –much to my relief.”
Robbie felt ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’ cut too much from the nursery scene
Robbie, who was 22 when filming The Wolf of Wall Street, may have been slightly relieved when Scorsese edited out a chunk of the nursery scene. But the Oscar nominee also believed that leaving it out had a drawback. Without the extended nursey scene, audiences might have missed something important about Jordan and Naomi’s relationship.
“Because so much of the nursery scene got cut out, something that you kind of miss is that [Jordan and Naomi] had a sick sort of aspect to their relationship,” she explained. “Not them as the real people, but the characters we created.”
Robbie went on to reflect on her nude scenes and what they meant for the characters. “He’s got this sexual obsession with her, and she uses her sexuality to manipulate him, so they both play these weird sort of f***ed up sex games to just mess with each other.”
TheWolf of Wall Street choking scene also left an impression on Robbie

The actors in Wolf of Wall Street saw themselves engaging in all sorts of wild antics to do the film justice. But even with all the craziness the performers had to indulge in, there was one scene that Robbie felt was the craziest.
“Definitely the Qualuude scene,” Robbie told The Daily Beast. ‘I remember sitting there going, “I will never, ever film a scene like this again.’ I’m sitting there eight months pregnant and Leo and Jonah are crawling around trying to strangle each other and I had to try not to laugh because they looked so ridiculous.”
Margot Robbie’s movies reached new heights since The Wolf of Wall Street. She’s now a household name and one of Hollywood’s biggest stars. Scenes in films like The Suicide Squad and Babylon certainly raised the bar, but only Robbie truly knows how they compare to her work in The Wolf of Wall Street.