The Critical Reason ‘Madam Secretary’ Made That Weird Time Jump in Season 6
Madam Secretary is a CBS network TV series that began in 2014. The show revolves around Téa Leoni‘s character, Elizabeth Adams McCord, the fictional Secretary of State of the United States.
McCord is a retired CIA officer and professor who took over the office of Secretary of State when the previous secretary died suddenly. The rub comes when Leoni’s character discovers that the former Secretary of State may not have died accidentally.
In Season 4 of the show, McCord begins to think of running for president.
A time jump in ‘Madam Secretary’

To put it in simple terms, the last season of Madam Secretary initiates a time-warp.
You read that correctly. It seems when Season 6 premieres, it looks very much like McCord has become President of the United States.
The clue is that, in Episode 2 of Season 6, McCord is throwing out the first ball at New York’s Citi Field. It happens that the Mets are playing the Indians.
So, McCord must now be the leader of the free world. This turn of events is a game-changer.
Yes, many changes will have to take place. One of which is the new digs where the show will film. Naturally, McCord’s fictional family will be affected, as will coworkers and McCord herself.
The premiere is running over with sentimental, riveting, and exciting action. A text rolled across the screen at the beginning of the episode explaining that we are joining the McCords nine months into her presidency.
The President is on her way to a gala fundraiser, and everything seems fine.
Why was there a time jump?
Many television viewers are wondering why Season 6 will be the last season for this popular show. Season 6 will be taking place during the months leading up to the real-life presidential election.
Given the fact that our national political scene is faltering, the question became, would an American audience be likely to watch a show that, in some ways, was mirroring the day-to-day rumblings in our nation’s capital? The showrunners thought continuing the show was not a good idea.
But the ratings for the show were not superb, so this could be another of the reasons that CBS canceled the series. Only 10 episodes will occur in Season 6, as opposed to the regular seasons, which had 20 to 23 episodes.
CBS Entertainment President Kelly Kahl said that the network wanted to give the show a respectful and celebrated send-off. President Khal continued by saying that Leoni and the cast of the show deserved a coherent ending.
Why is ‘Madam Secretary’ ending?
Leoni and the show’s cast, writers, and crew all agreed that getting McCord into the office of President had to occur. Still, saying goodbye to so many well-liked characters and such a professional group of creatives will be difficult.
The showrunners are looking forward to showing the country what they think the first woman president will achieve through a few fantasies up with which they came. The many storylines they can use regarding FGOTUS (the First Gentleman of the United States) is something the writers cannot wait to begin.
Barbara Hall and Lori McCreary, the series’ creators, said this season would likely chronicle the life of a presidential candidate and a presidential election.
“We’ve always been about pulling back the curtain on the State Department and showing the process of diplomacy, so this is going to be pulling back the curtain on a campaign and everything that that involves,” Hall said.