One Song Featured in ‘Sex and the City’ Perfectly Captures Carrie and Mr. Big’s Relationship
Sex and the City, at its core, was all about four friends and their pursuit of sex and love in New York City. While the music chosen for the series isn’t often discussed, it did serve an important purpose during key moments in the show. One song, featured in the show’s fourth season, perfectly sums up Carrie Bradshaw and Mr. Big’s relationship. The production team couldn’t have picked a better song than “Moon River” to highlight a sweet moment between the often complicated pairing. It wasn’t the only “perfect song” in the series, though.
Carrie and Mr. Big danced to ‘Moon River’ in season 4 of ‘Sex and the City’
Carrie and Mr. Big had a lot of pivotal moments during their six-season long, on-again-off-again romance. Their season 4 moment, set to “Moon River,” might be among the most bittersweet and, oddly enough, romantic. In “I Heart NY,” Carrie learns that Mr. Big will be leaving New York City in favor of California. Together, they dance to “Moon River” in his empty living room.
In a way, Moon River is a love song, but it feels much more wistful than most true love songs. Some fans even consider it a breakup song. In the melody, the “river” is a metaphor for someone’s lover. The river’s travel downstream is comparable to the journey of a relationship that doesn’t always run smooth. The river in the song is described as a “dream maker and a heartbreaker.” Mr. Big and Carrie were deeply in love, but it took years for the pair to get their timing right. He could make her dreams come true, but he could also break her heart. His decision to leave New York felt like a true end, making the song a pretty heartbreaking pick for what seemed like their final moments together.
‘Moon River’ was originally penned for ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’
For Sex and the City fans, “Moon River” will forever be linked to Carrie and Mr. Big dancing in his empty apartment. The song predates the series by decades, though. In fact, it was originally penned for a classic flick.
Audrey Hepburn sang the song in Breakfast at Tiffany’s in 1961. Henry Mancini and Johnny Mercer wrote the song. The simple melody is pretty short. The song includes only 10 lines, lacks a true chorus, and has a run time of just over 2 minutes. According to American Songwriter, it took just 30 minutes to compose.
Samantha Jones and Richard Wright dancing to ‘By Your Side’ is an amazing musical moment in ‘Sex and the City’, too
Mr. Big and Carrie might have been the it couple of the entire series, but there was one other sultry romance set to a fantastic song. In an early season 4 episode, Samantha begins a sexual relationship with her boss, Richard Wright. While Richard and Samantha seem to want a casual relationship at first, Richard ups the ante with a ton of romance, making Samantha incredibly uncomfortable.

She lets her guard down just a bit when the duo spends the evening swimming at Richard’s rooftop pool. After some reluctance, Samantha finally starts falling for Richard as they dance on the rooftop in bathrobes. The scene is enhanced by the use of Sade’s song, “By Your Side.” The score is a perfect combination of sweet and sultry, mixed with a touch of apprehension. While Richard and Samantha didn’t work out, the moment remains one of the sexiest and most emotional scenes of the entire series. Samantha was still better off with Smith Jerrod, but the song was a good choice.