‘Ex on the Beach’ Thruple With Kyra and David? Emily Says Buckle Up! [Exclusive]
As if MTV‘s Ex on the Beach wasn’t steamy enough, Kyra Green’s ex, Emily Salch revealed that she could be into a threesome with Green and David Barta.
Green arrived at the Ex on the Beach house and quickly struck up a romance with Barta. Green told Showbiz Cheat Sheet she hoped Salch would arrive at the house but her connection with Barta made everything more complicated. Salch told Showbiz Cheat Sheet was very focused on reconnecting with Green … but then met Barta and plans changed.
Emily was ready to kick David to the curb on ‘Ex on the Beach’ until …
“So I was not expecting David to be what he was or to look like what he looked like,” Salch admitted. “When I found out Kyra was with someone else, it was like, no problem. I can get rid of this guy so easy.”

“And then when I got to the villa and I was meeting the rest of the cast,” she continued. “I was looking around before everyone introduced themselves. And I saw David and I was like, OK, he’s hot. Like, maybe I’ll talk to him.”
“But then they were sort of introducing themselves and he’s like, I’m David. And I was like, ‘Oh, this is my competition?’ I was like, oh, no, this is not good because he’s hot, he’s tall, he’s muscular, he’s tan,” she said. “He’s all the things, you know?
‘Ex on the Beach’ thruple? Maybe Emily says
Salch also said Barta being bisexual was another aspect that she knew was attractive to Green. “And also him being bisexual, I knew that that would make things even harder for me because Kyra is very attracted to that fluidity,” she said. “That’s one of the reasons why her and I clicked so well. So then when I found out he was also fluid, I was like, ‘Oh no, this is going to be so much competition for me!’ I can already tell. But at the same time, I was attracted to him and I’m very open to thruples, dating in more than just two people. So I was like, who knows, maybe I can get this to be me, David, and Kyra. But I have to see where they stand with that.”
Despite being into a thruple, Salch said she came to win. “So I’m a very fiery person and I do not back down,” she insisted. “Usually, I fight until there’s one woman standing. And this season is going to be full of drama because I am coming into the island knowing that the girl that I’m trying to win over is already seeing somebody else. And I love a good fight and I love drama, so I’m definitely bringing the heat this season. I’m definitely not going to step down easily. And make it for David a run for his money unless he decides to be on my side.”
Do Emily and Kyra end up together?
In the end, Salch left Ex on the Beach feeling pretty satisfied with how everything worked out. “My life is full of unexpected turns and turbulence,” she said. “And honestly, every single thing that happens in my life, I take as a learning experience and I view it positively.”
“So, there’s a lot of things that were unexpected that did happen throughout the season. But at the end of the day, the whole thing was an amazing experience for me and I am happy. I’m living my best life and everything happens for a reason. So even though there was a lot of twists and turns in the season, I am always happy with the way that things turned out.”
So does she ride off into the sunset with Green? Or is Barta now in the mix? Salch said viewers will definitely find out and to stay tuned.
MTV‘s Ex on the Beach is on Thursday at 8 p.m. ET.